We are closed from 20th December to 20th January 2025. For Emergencies only: if you are in extreme pain or discomfort, you can contact us on 0211975274 and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as we can. For all other enquiries, we will get back to you when we get back on 20th January 2025. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and safe holidays over the festive season!
Radiant smiles for the residents of Auckland
We’re proud to serve the communities of Titrangi and New Lynn as well as Blockhouse Bay. With such great feedback from our patients on the service we provide, we’re confident we can say we’re responsible for a lot of happiness.
For a better idea of the results we achieve for our patients, take a look at our Before and Afters page. You’ll be astounded by the difference our orthodontic treatments can make.