We are closed from 20th December to 20th January 2025. For Emergencies only: if you are in extreme pain or discomfort, you can contact us on 0211975274 and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as we can. For all other enquiries, we will get back to you when we get back on 20th January 2025. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and safe holidays over the festive season!
Orthodontic treatments to transform your smile
Whatever your needs, we can customise a solution to suit your dental needs and budget. Our flexible payment plans and bespoke treatment design processes can help you get your dream smile.
Whether you’re a candidate for clear Invisalign® aligners or more suited to traditional braces, we can help. Take a look at our other treatment options and discover how we can revitalise your (or your child’s) smile.